Registration goes live on Tuesday, July 16 at 11:00am (PDT). 

Registration Instructions

Before registering, please ensure you have read the registration Terms & Conditions (in-person or online), in particular the sections on payment deadlines and refund policy. 

STEP 1: Create an account or log into your account. If you have not already done so, save time by creating/updating your booking account now.

STEP 2: Complete the Booking Form.

STEP 3: Check the details in your booking card and proceed to payment. 

The mimimum deposit will be calculated automatically (see Terms & Conditions In-Person or Online for deposit and refund details). Note: registrations without a deposit are automatically cancelled after 72 hours. A registration is not valid without receipt of the minimum deposit. 

A “payment confirmed” message will be displayed when the transaction has been successfully completed. You will receive an email with a link to your booking cart. Please keep this information in a secure place.  

Understanding your Registration Status as Displayed in your Booking Cart

Incomplete: there is still some action you need to take; e.g. the  minimum deposit has not been paid, or the payment has failed.

In Progress:  all necessary information has been submitted and the Festival registration team is checking your booking. This stage may take some time especially during periods where large numbers of registrations are being received.

Confirmed: all necessary information has been provided and minimum payment has been received. A confirmation email will be sent; you will also be able to see this status update in your booking cart.

Complete: Your booking status will only change to complete when full payment has been received.

Late Bookings

Registrations received within 24 hours of the start of the event, will receive the links to the teachings at least 24 hours after registration. To ensure that you receive links to the sessions in a timely manner, please do not book last minute.

Receiving  Links to the Sessions

You will receive an email with details of how you will access links to the sessions.


  • Registration Team at [email protected]
  • If you have already registered and have a specific registration inquiry, please use the “contact us” button in your Festival booking cart (this will help us to identify your booking more easily).